Learn from Students Who STAY
The STAY is a tool that helps campuses understand the student experience in a new way. One size no longer fits all in higher education. Our approach gathers insights to reveal the perceptions and needs of different student segments.
We help you look broadly at students who are satisfied (stayers), those who contemplate leaving (contemplators), and those who leave and return (returners). We further breakdown insights by other relevant factors to understand the experience of important segments (students with financial need, enrolled in specific programs, under-represented students, etc.).
The STAY gives universities the data needed to develop custom strategies to innovate student services, strengthen recruitment, improve retention, and increase student satisfaction.
Read a Case Study from Our Work with West Virginia University
Insights from the STAY can help you prioritize your current portfolio of programs and services:​
Scale programs with low participation, but promising impact
Target programs that may serve specialized segments
Advance effective programs with proven impact
Re-imagine programs that may no longer be meeting student needs
​We look at the student lifecycle both holistically and granularly to help you envision your future student experience.
Contact TorchStar Education today to discuss how we can work with you to start your custom STAY.